ACEM’s  company directors and employees have been in the local and global construction industry  for more than 40 years. Our experience spans all sections of construction and energy projects.  We have gained this experience through direct hands on involvement in all engineering and construction disciplines.  Our directors are fully immersed in each and every project and focused on providing the best outcomes for each project.






Each construction project is unique subsequently ACEM invoke first principles in each type of construction project from design review, value management, design in safety through to constructability and only then onto the implementation process.

We refine and improve the construction delivery process for each project. To do so ACEM provide a robust framework utilizing the collective experience of our own team, coupled with leading architects, engineers, specialist consultants and subcontractors who have done so with us in the past.

ACEM directors together with its project team work with each stakeholder to maximize the optimum solution for each project that takes into consideration site requirements, special components, equipment and systems, flexibility, expandability, training / mentoring and maintenance requirements.


Directors involved in each project with a pecuniary interest in each project to ensure costs are contolled.
Specialty experience with clean room technology used in pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food and semiconductor industries.
Multidisciplinary skills with core competent employees, consultants, trades.
In depth experience across varied types of construction and energy projects.
Local and global construction experience of directors and employees including in house customs support.
Integrated system testing of all projects including R2 testing of energy projects.


ACEM use ISO compliant systems, processes, procedures regarding HSEQ for all projects.

Project, Construction and Services Management

Site and HSEQ Managment

Training/ Mentoring Subcontractors to Implement HSEQ Systems

Commercial and Contract Management

Procurement, Custom's, Logistics and Expediting

Supply of Unique but Proven Construction Products to Improve Structural Works, Operations, Enviroments and Safety

Eight Multi Story

Accommodation units and two dual occupancy residence

Contact us for peace of mind for your next project.